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Useful contacts

Parish Office

Tel: 02890 832 936


Rev Peter Jones
Tel: 02890 832726

Honorary Secretary

John Nesbitt - Tel. 02890 879 387

Honorary Treasurer

Jacqui Eccles - Tel. 07891254196

Freewill Offering Recorder

Ken Jackson - Tel. 02890 294 967

Contacts for our organisations

Organisation Contact Telephone
Bible Reading Notes Liz Holmes 9084 8025
Boys' Brigade Maureen Steenson 07715 583977
Choir Joan Mackey 9077 5366
Dove Drama Group David Flint 9083 6304
Dove Magazine Parish Office 9083 2936
Flower Guild George Madden 9059 9988
Girls' Brigade Julie Robinson 07804 379801 after 6pm
Indoor Bowls John Mawhinney 9083 5983
Parish Ramblers Clifford Holmes 9084 8025
Parish Bulletin Parish Office 9083 2936
Prayer Group Valerie Murray 9083 5761
Sunday School Kim Jones 90 832726
Tea Brew & Dove Catering Winnie Millar 9084 0778
Women's Guild Isobel Jack 9083 5956
Youth Club Parish Office 9083 2936

Page last updated by Peter on 12th June 2023 at 9:21 pm

Church of the Holy Spirit, 60 Manse Road, Mossley, Newtownabbey BT36 6XR

Registered charity NIC103262 :: Data Privacy Notice