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We've listed below some links to other sites which we hope you will find useful. We are not responsible for the content of any of these external sites.

Our relationship with God

Power to change - want to change something about your life?

Online Bible - this great site lets you look up any passage from the Bible, in a variety of translations. You can specify a book, chapter, verse, or even search by keywords!

Daily Bible Readings - read and understand a new passage from the Bible every day. - events, news, and guidance for young Christians in Northern Ireland.

The Church

Church of Ireland - the main site for the Anglican church in Ireland.

Diocese of Connor - official site grouping together all the churches in our diocese.

Summer Madness - an amazing festival for young people, held once a year in the summer.


Mossley Mill - lots of information and pictures about the mill, courtesy of Newtownabbey Council.

Local schools - Mossley Primary and Earlview Primary.

Page last updated by June on 5th February 2020 at 11:46 am

Church of the Holy Spirit, 60 Manse Road, Mossley, Newtownabbey BT36 6XR

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