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Sunday School - older news

This page contains all the older news and events relating to the Sunday School and Creche.

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August 2006 - The Broken Butterfly Project

Our annual project this year was the Broken Butterfly Project. Click on the link to find out more..

It was a great pleasure to deliver a cheque on behalf of the Sunday School to CMS Ireland. The sum raised was more than our target of  and we were able to donate  to the project. Well done everybody!

June 2006 - Farewell Billy!

At our recent Sunday School Prize Giving the Rev. Neill Cutcliffe presented a painting of the church to Billy McCormick to mark his retirement after 18 years as Superintendent of the Sunday School. In total, Billy has served as a Sunday School teacher for 31 years. In his address the Rector praised Billy for his great dedication, commitment, enthusiasm and leadership.

Billy receiving his painting from the Rector - click to enlarge

September 2005 - Fingerprints of Hope

There are many bonus points to be gained from working in the Sunday School. One such event which gave me much pleasure was being able, over the summer, to walk into the CMS office and present them with a cheque for £270 for our "Fingerprints of Hope" project. In fact there were two sets of bonus points to be gained on this occasion.

The first set was gained from knowing that all the work and effort put into the project by all the boys and girls, and even the youngest in the creche, resulted in such a large amount. To me this showed just what the young folk of our church are capable of when time and effort is taken to guide them. I am also thankful for the teachers and helpers who give, not only of their time, but of themselves in carrying out this role.

My next set of bonus points came from the size of the smile on the faces of CMS staff on receiving this cheque. They work hard and long on these projects which they hope will raise money for those in need of help. They make sure that the lessons will be interested in and also challenging for the children. They also make the lesson plan easy to prepare for the busy teacher. All in all, that was one great day for me.

One date I would ask all parents to please put a red circle around is Sunday 2nd October 2005. That is Harvest Sunday, and during the service the children present their offering. It is surprising how many parents forget this, which results in a last minute dash to the garage to hopefully get the last remaining piece of fruit from the near empty shelves!

W. McCormick

Page last updated by Michael on 26th August 2014 at 2:32 pm

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