Church finances
Did you know that the cost of running the Parish is well over £1000 per week? We manage to raise much of this through our Freewill Offering and Building and Maintenance Funds, but any shortfall has a direct impact on:- our ability to meet the day to day costs of running the Parish
- our contribution to charities, a very important aspect of our parochial life
You can help by:
- Reviewing your giving through the Freewill Offering and the Building and Maintenance Fund
- Signing a Gift Aid Declaration if you are a taxpayer. The Church can reclaim 28p for every £1 donated under Gift Aid. You can download and print the form here.
- Considering alternative methods of payment -
- Standing Order
- Give As You Earn
- Ken Jackson - 90294967
Page last updated by Michael on 15th March 2020 at 3:50 pm